Black Hair Color: Do or Don’t?

As a Master Hair Colorist, one of my absolute favorite hair colors to do for my clients is black. Black hair color can range from very intense to relatively demure, but one thing is certain: It is a commitment. If you’ve ever had your hair dyed black then you know what I am talking about. It truly is difficult to switch for black hair color to another hair color, the process takes time, and you need to go to a hair colorist who understands how to take hair color away from black without damaging the hair. These are all factors that need to be taken into consideration before you decide to jump off the deep end and dye your hair color black. Remember, the health of your hair is what’s most important, so if you are an individual who likes to change it up very frequently then black hair color may not be the best choice for you.
However, for those who are ready to make that commitment, there are some fabulous factors to the raven hue as well. Below I have listed my favorite aspects of black hair color:
1.Besides being fierce and undoubtedly sexy, black hair color heightens your facial features by making them pop. Black hair color works to bring out the subtle inflections of lightness in your eyes making them look more beautiful than ever (this applies for all eye colors, dark and light).
2. Black hair color does a great job of camouflaging hair damage. Dyeing your hair darker automatically gives your hair a glossy, shiny appearance. Strangely, this benefit can also contribute to your hair actually becoming healthier. Think about it: If your hair already has a glossy appearance, then you spend less time trying to make your hair look that way. For most of us this means less heat styling which is always a good thing.
3. Black hair color is versatile because it ranges from cool to warm tones. You can go blue black which is traditionally icier in appearance or you can opt for a chocolate-rich version like my model, Lucia Porcayo (featured above). Therefore, there is absolutely a way to make black hair perfectly compliment the undertones in your eyes and skin.
Renee Taglia is located in a Beverly Hills California. Contact her here for a consultation on how to discover (and keep) your perfect color.
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