Secrets of a Master Hair Colorist: Boar Bristle Brushes!

Have you ever wondered how classic silver screen starlets got their glamorous hair? The likes of Lauren Bacall, Katherine Hepburn and Rita Hayworth used boar bristle brushes, a hair secret that’s been circulation since the 1800’s!
Boar bristle brushes not only naturally condition your hair, they stimulate your scalp and reduce frizz as well. The secret to using your boar bristle brush correctly is to wait a few days after washing your hair, and then brush from the root to tip. This will help distribute your natural oils all the way to your mid shaft and ends! There’s no better way to achieve a natural shine.
My product pick for the best boar bristle brush is Mason Pearson. You can choose from a selection of styles at Nordstrom and other retailers. Healthy, shiny hair is soon to be yours! Happy brushing!
Renee Taglia is located in a Beverly Hills California. Contact her here for a consultation on how to discover (and keep) your perfect color.
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