How to Prevent and Restore Dry Hair
The texture of your hair is perhaps the most important factor to your hair looking gorgeous. If you have dry hair (either naturally or because of style/color damage) you more than likely understand how difficult it can be to style. One of my main principles as a Master Hair Colorist is to treat hair with the tender love and care it requires to maintain its moisture and, therefore, its vitality. However, this care isn’t something you should focus on only when you are getting your color; In fact, you should make sure that your every day hair care routine allows you to maintain moisture. Below are my top tips to prevent dryness and restore moisture in your hair.
Do a weekly hair mask: In addition to your regular hair washes, it can be very helpful to give your hair a little something extra by doing a weekly hair mask. Think of this activity as a mini-spa session for your locks- similar to doing a weekly facial. Make sure that the hair mask you select has strong and natural ingredients because certain chemicals can be drying for the hair. Kerastase Nutritive Masque Magistral is one of my absolute favorites to use for this weekly ritual.
A good leave-in is key: The leave-in conditioner you use is vital to maintaining moisture in your hair. After all, the leave-in is what remains in your hair throughout all the heat styling as well as the demands of your daily grind. I recommend that the leave-in conditioner you select has a form of protection from the sun because the sun has an exceptionally damaging effect on hair. My favorite leave-in conditioner is the Inphenom Superior Treatment Effect Hair Treatment; This magnificent products helps to lock in the beneficial effects of your shampoo, smooths the hair surface, and adds mega-watt shine.
Get regular trims: I know that many of you skip the trim because you want your hair to grow long. However, its important to be aware of the fact that regular trims actually help your hair grow in a healthier manner. The reason for this is that you are actually preventing hair breakage when you get a trim. It is generally the bottom portion of your hair that suffers the most damage, and if it is not taken care of this damage can actually make its way up the strand.
Renee Taglia is located in a Beverly Hills California. Contact her here for a consultation on how to discover (and keep) your perfect color.