New Obsession: Rainbow Roots

Somewhere over the rainbow lies show stopping hair. We have all seen the very fashionable tones throughout the hair and have been overcome with passion for Pastels, Mint Green hair, Rose Gold hair, Ronze hair, Multicolored hair, and more, but now the color spotlight is shining on the Roots! This new application technique applies these fashion pigments to about the first half inch to two inches at the root area only, depending on the length of the hair.
Hair color is in a wonderfully unique time right now. A time when even the most conservative are looking to add fun pops of hair color. Never before have we seen attorneys, business men and women, and even doctors wearing more loud and colorful tones.
The Rainbow Roots trend is the perfect look for anyone who wants a taste of the technicolor hair trend, but doesn’t want to commit to a full head of rainbow hair. Rainbow Roots are not only extremely instructing to the eye, that are completely customizable to the individual. The Rainbow tones placed at the roots can range from extremely saturated colors to soft pastel tones, depending on the clients preference.
In the photos below, I worked with two different models to demonstrate two different takes on the Rainbow Roots trend: a more subdued look and a stronger, more technicolor version. I used all Wella products including Wella Magma /65, /44, Clear, Limoncello and Wella Instamatics Ocean Storm, Muted Mauve.
Renee Taglia is located in a Beverly Hills California. Contact her here for a consultation on how to discover (and keep) your perfect color.
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